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Thursday, December 12, 2013


Dear Baby Skin,

For the past 34 years I have been so insensitive to you.  I used to let you go under the harmful rays of the sun unprotected, especially during my teenage years until the time that I was working as a preschool teacher. 

I am sorry for making you feel thirsty every time I go out.  I am sorry for keeping you irritated when I sleep at night without removing my make ups. I felt so sorry for those times of my life that you are bruised and was hurt. My apologies. I mean it. 

To be able to make up on all of these shortcomings, I have decided to revive you.  Year 2010, remember when I have started doing all of these four-step skin regimen? Cleansing/Exfoliating, Toning, Moisturizing and Protecting. Things started to change. You became happier.

As I age, you age also. I got frustrated when I started seeing dark spots and even fine lines.  That's the time that I really felt awful for myself and for not loving you. I hate myself. If I could only turn back the hands of time!!!

Truth is, I can't. So I asked myself, what should I do for you?

I have read a lot of blogs and articles on how to revive you. Here's what I found :
1. Drink lots of water:  It's hard for me. I can't hardly drink even 4 glasses of water a day :( But when I started doing this, everything has changed. You were hydrated like a deer who pants for the water :p
2. Exercise: Extra toxins on my body affects you. So the answer is  body sweating for a healthier you.
3. Eat lots of fruits and veggies: Okay, so timing that I am on a diet and I think this one works for me and also for you!  Papaya is my new fave! Yum!
4. Use sunscreen protection even indoors: It was suggested to me by your derma. Guess what? I am doing this for you. Mwah!
5. Moisturize all the time:  Even if you are oily. Oilyness doesn't mean that you don't need it. Moisturizing is your water.

Because of your urgent need for a rehydrating, I stumbled upon the net and found this:

A heaven sent gift!!!

After taking care of you using my other moisturizer:

And now that I have found GARNIER LIGHT MOISTURIZER, after just a week you we're already like this:

The camera loves you and me!

Now I know I did the best thing for you. No regrets dear!!!

Now a lot of people are complimenting that I got younger and younger! I owe it all to Garnier.  You are so beautiful now even I am already on my mid 30's!

I love you baby! You will never get thirsty again.
I owe it all to our new beauty buddies.


This is my official entry for the GARNIER PHILIPPINES BLOG CONTEST.